Making Videos ViralHow can we make a “Viral Video”?
You can’t. Anyone who tells you they can create a viral video should have a great deal of distance put between them and you. They may make a video that goes viral, but… you get the idea. There are some guidelines that can be used in creating compelling content that will, if not make a video viral, produce messaging to engage and compel your audience in ways that really matter – actionable results and brand development. The term “Viral Video” in this instant gratification society has come to replace more moderate terms like; commercial, video, marketing spot, etc. Sure, it’s full of hope and glory that whatever content you are creating is going to set the Internet on fire yet, its ubiquity of use has rendered it meaningless. There is no magic formula to creating a “Viral Video”, no holy grail. Now, there are videos that go viral and most of those have content that contains cats or epic fails or are of a salacious nature. Rarely does their material come anywhere close to a quality and substance, or provide a messaging that one would want to relate to their brand. Keep it simple. The best content has a clarity of voice that conveys concise messaging to a targeted market. It knows what it is and what it wants to achieve. It doesn’t try to be all things to all people. It is precise in its motive and execution because it is better to reach 100% of your market than it is to reach 10% of the Internet. Keep it short. Small is good. It has been noted that the attention span for just about everyone has shrunk considerably – to the point where it is now around twelve seconds. So how do you get someone to make the commitment to watch a video that has some length to it – sell popcorn? The best messaging is such that has been distilled down to its elemental ingredients – in other words, stay on message with a singular call to action. Keep it entertaining. Compelling content allows for the unexpected. In this mad-dash din of a hypermedia world where everyone is trying to sell everyone else it can be a challenge to elevate above the horde and amplify messaging to an audience. When you do connect, its best that your content be entertaining. One way to achieve this is to inject an element of the unexpected – add some whimsy. Make it so that your audience reaction is: Hey, that was cool. Doing this will leave a positive and memorable impression. And, isn’t that the goal here? To have your audience remember you – your brand. |